Program Description | Program Structure | IOP | Information & Referrals
The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Program (DBT) at the Institute of Living is an intensive behavioral based treatment designed specifically for individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder.
DBT was developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan for individuals who have difficulty managing strong emotions and engage in self-destructive and impulsive behaviors. DBT is a specific form of Cognitive behavioral therapy that uses dialectic, acceptance and validation strategies to help make positive behavioral change possible.
The Goal of Treatment:
“The overall goal of DBT skills training is to help you increase your resilience and build a life experienced as worth living.” Dr. Marsha Linehan.
Program Description
The DBT Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) at the IOL follows Dr. Marsha Linehan’s comprehensive multi-modal treatment, which includes principles and interventions of the therapist in providing therapy and skills teaching. DBT skills are aimed at teaching a synthesis of how to change what is and how to accept what is. Skills taught help one both change unwanted behaviors, emotions, thoughts and events in your life that cause you misery and distress as well as know how to live in the moment, accepting what is. The program is designed primarily for individuals with a diagnosis of Borderline personality disorder in stage one treatment with difficulties in regulating emotions and behavioral dyscontrol. The program focuses on safety planning, building positive interpersonal connections and being in behavioral control.
In addition to skills training, DBT analyzes behaviors using a behavior chain analysis and missing links analysis with your therapist. Clients fill out Diary cards daily to track progress on eliminating target behaviors and skills use. These diary sheets are reviewed daily with your primary therapist. Phone coaching with therapists is available to help individuals generalize skills outside of program times.
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Program Structure
The DBT program is an intensive outpatient program which runs Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9am to 12pm. The program encompasses an 8 week cycle that includes:
- Group therapy services, which include diary sheet review and skills teaching
- Behavioral Analysis
- Behavioral rehearsal
- Target oriented case management
- Telephone skills coaching 8am-7pm, 7 days per week
- Medication management
- Individual consultation
- Family education
Participants should be able to tolerate Cognitive Behavioral Change oriented groups with the expectation of homework completion and be committed to attend program regularly.
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Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP)
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8:45 AM to 12:00 PM
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Information and Referrals
DBT IOP Program
Lisa Falce, LCSW Program Manager
The Institute of Living Access Center
860.545.7200 Option #3, or
Toll free at 800.673.2411
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